
All the environments we propose follow the OpenAI Gym interface. We also extended this interface (adding extra methods) to work with SRL methods (see State Representation Learning Models).

OpenAI Gym repo: https://github.com/openai/gym

Available environments

You can find a recap table in the README.

  • Kuka arm: Here we have a Kuka arm which must reach a target, here a button.
    • KukaButtonGymEnv-v0: Kuka arm with a single button in front.
    • KukaRandButtonGymEnv-v0: Kuka arm with a single button in front, and some randomly positioned objects
    • Kuka2ButtonGymEnv-v0: Kuka arm with 2 buttons next to each others, they must be pressed in the correct order (lighter button, then darker button).
    • KukaMovingButtonGymEnv-v0: Kuka arm with a single button in front, slowly moving left to right.
  • Mobile robot: Here we have a mobile robot which reach a target position
    • MobileRobotGymEnv-v0: A mobile robot on a 2d terrain where it needs to reach a target position (yellow cylinder).
    • MobileRobot2TargetGymEnv-v0: A mobile robot on a 2d terrain where it needs to reach two target positions, in the correct order (yellow target, then red target).
    • MobileRobot1DGymEnv-v0: A mobile robot on a 1d slider where it can only go up and down, it must reach a target position.
    • MobileRobotLineTargetGymEnv-v0: A mobile robot on a 2d terrain where it needs to reach a colored band going across the terrain.
  • Racing car: Here we have the interface for the Gym racing car environment. It must complete a racing course in the least time possible (only available in a terminal with X running)
    • CarRacingGymEnv-v0: A racing car on a racing course, it must complete the racing course in the least time possible.
  • Baxter: A baxter robot that must reach a target, with its arms.
    • Baxter-v0: A bridge to use a baxter robot with ROS (in simulation, it uses Gazebo)
  • Robobo: A Robobo robot that must reach a target position.
    • RoboboGymEnv-v0: A bridge to use a Robobo robot with ROS.
  • Omnidirectional Robot: A mobile robot on a 2d terrain that must reach a target position.
    • OmnirobotEnv-v0: A bridge to use a real Omnirobot with ROS (also available in simulation).

Generating Data

To test the environment with random actions:

python -m environments.dataset_generator --no-record-data --display

Can be as well used to render views (or dataset) with two cameras if multi_view=True.

To record data (i.e. generate a dataset) from the environment for training a SRL model, using random actions:

python -m environments.dataset_generator --num-cpu 4 --name folder_name

Add a custom environment

  1. Create a class that inherits environments.srl_env.SRLGymEnv which implements your environment. You will need to define specifically:
    • getTargetPos(): returns the position of the target.
    • getGroundTruthDim(): returns the number of dimensions used to encode the ground truth.
    • getGroundTruth(): returns the ground truth state.
    • step(action): step the environment in simulation with the given action.
    • reset(): re-initialise the environment.
    • render(mode='human'): returns an observation of the environment.
    • close(): closes the environment, override if you need to change it.
    • Make sure __init__ has the parameter **_kwargs in order to ignore useless flag parameters sent by the calling code.
  2. Add this code to the same file as the class declaration
def getGlobals():
    :return: (dict)
    return globals()

it will allow the logging of constant values used by the class

  1. Add your class to the registered_env dictionary in environments/registry.py, using this format NAME: (CLASS, SUPER_CLASS, PLOT_TYPE, THREAD_TYPE), where:
    • NAME: is your environment’s name, it must only contain [A-Z][a-z][0-9] and end with the version number in this format: -v{number}.
    • CLASS: is your class that is a subclass of SRLGymEnv.
    • SUPER_CLASS: is the super class of your class, this is for saving all the globals and parameters.
    • PLOT_TYPE: is the type of plotting for replay.enjoy_baselines, defined by the enumerator PlottingType in environments/__init__.py, can be PLOT_2D or PLOT_3D (use PLOT_3D if unsure).
    • THREAD_TYPE: is the type of multithreading supported by the environment, defined by the enumerator ThreadingType in environments/__init__.py, can be (from most restricive to less restricive) PROCESS, THREAD or NONE (use NONE if unsure).
  2. Add the name of the environment to config/srl_models.yaml, with the location of the saved model for each SRL model (can point to a dummy location, but must be defined).
  3. Now you can call your environment using --env NAME with train.py, pipeline.py or dataset_generator.py.