Reinforcement Learning


All CNN policies normalize input, dividing it by 255. By default, observations are not stacked. For SRL, states are normalized using a running mean/std average.

About frame-stacking, action repeat (frameskipping) please read this blog post: Frame Skipping and Pre-Processing for DQN on Atari

Before you start a RL experiment, you have to make sure that a visdom server is running, unless you deactivate visualization.

Launch visdom server:

python -m visdom.server

RL Algorithms: OpenAI Baselines and More

Several algorithms from Stable Baselines have been integrated along with some evolution strategies and SAC:

  • A2C: A synchronous, deterministic variant of Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic (A3C).
  • ACER: Sample Efficient Actor-Critic with Experience Replay
  • ACKTR: Actor Critic using Kronecker-Factored Trust Region
  • ARS: Augmented Random Search (
  • CMA-ES: Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy
  • DDPG: Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients
  • DeepQ: DQN and variants (Double, Dueling, prioritized experience replay)
  • PPO1: Proximal Policy Optimization (MPI Implementation)
  • PPO2: Proximal Policy Optimization (GPU Implementation)
  • SAC: Soft Actor Critic
  • TRPO: Trust Region Policy Optimization (MPI Implementation)

Train an Agent with Discrete Actions

To train an agent (without visualization with visdom):

python -m rl_baselines.train --algo ppo2 --log-dir logs/ --no-vis

You can train an agent on the latest learned model (knowing it’s type) located at log_folder: srl_zoo/logs/DatasetName/ (defined for each environment in config/srl_models.yaml) :

python -m rl_baselines.train --algo ppo2 --log-dir logs/ --latest --srl-model srl_combination --env MobileRobotGymEnv-v0

Train an Agent with Continuous Actions

Continuous actions have been implemented for DDPG, PPO2, ARS, CMA-ES, SAC and random agent. To use continuous actions in the position space:

python -m rl_baselines.train --algo ppo2 --log-dir logs/ -c

To use continuous actions in the joint space:

python -m rl_baselines.train --algo ppo2 --log-dir logs/ -c -joints

Train an agent multiple times on multiple environments, using different methods

To run multiple enviroments with multiple SRL models for a given algorithm (you can use the same arguments as for training should you need to specify anything to the training script):

python  -m rl_baselines.pipeline --algo ppo2 --log-dir logs/ --env env1 env2 [...] --srl-model model1 model2 [...]

For example, run a total of 30 experiments of ppo2 with 4 cpus and randomly initialized target position, in the default environment using VAE, and using ground truth (15 experiments each):

python  -m rl_baselines.pipeline --algo ppo2 --log-dir logs/ --srl-model vae ground_truth --random-target --num-cpu 4 --num-iteration 15

Load a Trained Agent

To load a trained agent and see the result:

python -m replay.enjoy_baselines --log-dir path/to/trained/agent/ --render

Add your own RL algorithm

  1. Create a class that inherits rl_baselines.base_classes.BaseRLObject which implements your algorithm. You will need to define specifically:
    • save(save_path, _locals=None): to save your model during or after training.
    • load(load_path, args=None): to load and return a saved instance of your class (static function).
    • customArguments(parser): @classmethod to define specifics command line arguments from or calls, then returns the parser object.
    • getAction(observation, dones=None): to get the action from a given observation.
    • makeEnv(self, args, env_kwargs=None, load_path_normalise=None): override if you need to change the environment wrappers (static function).
    • train(args, callback, env_kwargs=None, hyperparam=None): to create the environment, and train your algorithm on said environment.
    • (OPTIONAL) getActionProba(observation, dones=None): to get the action probabilities from a given observation. This is used for the action probability plotting in replay.enjoy_baselines.
    • (OPTIONAL) getOptParam(): @classmethod to return the hyperparameters that can be optimised through the callable argument. Along with the type and range of said parameters.
  2. Add your class to the registered_rl dictionary in rl_baselines/, using this format NAME: (CLASS, ALGO_TYPE, [ACTION_TYPE]), where:
    • NAME: is your algorithm’s name.
    • CLASS: is your class that inherits BaseRLObject.
    • ALGO_TYPE: is the type of algorithm, defined by the enumerator AlgoType in rl_baselines/, can be REINFORCEMENT_LEARNING, EVOLUTION_STRATEGIES or OTHER (OTHER is used to define algorithms that can’t be run in (ex: Random_agent)).
    • [ACTION_TYPE]: is the list of compatible type of actions, defined by the enumerator ActionType in rl_baselines/, can be CONTINUOUS and/or DISCRETE.
  3. Now you can call your algorithm using --algo NAME with or